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Reading and Writing Strategies for the Secondary Science Classroom in a PLC at Work®

By: Daniel M. Argentar, Katherine A. N. Gillies, Maureen M. Rubenstein, Brian R. Wise

Edited by: Mark Onuscheck, Jeanne Spiller

Equip middle school and high school students with the literacy support they need to think like scientists. Develop collaborative teams between science teachers and literary leaders to generate stronger instructional practices and improve student learning outcomes.

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Format: Paperback, eBook
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Literacy-based strategies, tools, and techniques for grades 6–12 science teachers

Equip your students with the literacy support they need to think like scientists. Written by a team of experienced educators, this book provides practical literacy-based strategies designed for science teachers of grades 6–12. It can be read cover-to-cover or used as a quick reference for specific strategies. Learn how to connect science content with literacy skill development, differentiated instruction, designing meaningful assessments, effective feedback, and more.

  • Understand the role that professional learning communities (PLCs) and science teachers play in literacy development and student-centered learning.
  • Foster student engagement by utilizing adaptable strategies and literacy resources for developing pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading skills.
  • Learn why collaboration among different disciplines can enhance literacy instruction in secondary science education.
  • Obtain tools and techniques for designing meaningful assessments that align literacy and science standards and improve student learning outcomes.
  • Gain reflective knowledge to strengthen science and literacy instructional practices, encouraging learners to think like scientists.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF907, EKF470

ISBN: 9781949539011

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 200

“All science teachers know that when students struggle with understanding text, they will find their science classes to be incredibly challenging. With this book’s many science-specific examples, organized into different reading and writing categories, it achieves its goal of providing strategies to help students learn to think like scientists. Through it, science teachers can navigate new understandings about science-based literacy instruction to improve both our own practices and students’ understanding.”

Cathy Bockenstedt, eighth-grade science teacher, Central Middle School, Minnesota

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