The Teacher as Assessment Leader, Second Edition
Effective assessment leadership on the part of teachers is crucial for student success. This book helps teachers develop skills in formative assessment, data analysis, and evidence-based decision making. It emphasizes strategies for fostering a growth mindset, promoting self-regulation and aligning assessments with learning goals to accelerate learning and improve student achievement.
Practical strategies for utilizing formative assessment
In The Teacher as Assessment Leader, Second Edition, editor Thomas R. Guskey and expert contributors offer research-backed strategies for re-envisioning assessment to enhance student learning and teacher instruction. The authors provide actionable steps, practical examples, and strategies for utilizing formative assessments. These strategies promote a growth mindset, proficiency, self-regulation, and student ownership, ultimately fostering improved instructional effectiveness and student achievement.
K–12 teachers can use this book to:
- Adopt new perspectives on assessment’s role in guiding student learning
- Employ practical strategies to improve instruction and enhance student achievement
- Promote regular assessment analysis to enhance instructional strategies
- Encourage student self-efficacy in identifying and pursuing learning goals
- Lead and collaborate with colleagues in developing more effective, practical assessments and alternative instructional strategies
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“The Teacher as Assessment Leader, Second Edition is a collection of the best thinkers, writers, and presenters in assessment literacy. Together these individuals have a deep and rich understanding as well as years of experience in growing and improving assessment practices in order to benefit students. I highly recommend The Teacher as Assessment Leader to those who wish to develop their own assessment literacy as well as train and support those they lead. And the best part? So many benefits can be found in this single source covering multiple concepts and ideas from the best assessment leaders.”
“One of the greatest challenges in education can be to do different than what was done to us, especially with assessment. This collection shows the journey of change may at times be uncomfortable but is worth it.
“Great toolkit to assist into how (and why) to investigate doing things, dare I say it, different(iated)ly?
“Assessment is too valuable to be seen simply as a judgment of what is assumed or hoped to have been learned. This book works as a guide to see how valuable an assessment-focused lens can be for learning!
“Assessment literacy is like a muscle; you need to keep it active! This book presents a variety of sections that will allow you to renew, re-encourage, or reflect on your practice and help you dig a bit deeper into why we do what we do!
“This book empowers educators to transform assessment practices into meaningful, evidence-driven tools that promote student agency, engagement, and growth through assessment mindsets that enable collaboration, formative feedback, and data-informed strategies.”
“The Teacher as Assessment Leader equips teachers with strategies for developing effective assessment practices, empowering them to strengthen their assessment leadership and maximize student learning. This is a must-have resource for all teachers seeking to improve classroom instruction and elevate team collaboration.”
“This work is grounded in the exploration of educator assessment identity and sheds light on how educators can approach assessment through the lens of curiosity. Tangible, strength-based strategies for immediate application in the classroom are available, making this work a very practical tool for all educators.”