Kathy Tuchman Glass
- (Re)designing Narrative Writing Units for Grades 5–12
This user-friendly resource provides practical recommendations and strategies for designing units of study that center on students writing narrative fiction and nonfiction.
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- The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing
Using a simple structure, Kathy Tuchman Glass and Robert J. Marzano apply the instructional strategies of The New Art and Science of Teaching to teaching and assessing writing skills, as well as some associated reading skills. With more than 100 categorized and organized strategies across grade levels and subjects, this book will help you address writing learning outcomes needed for student success.
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- Redesigning Writing Units Webinar
April 17, 2019
Join writing expert Kathy Tuchman Glass for a one-hour webinar on instructional practices and strategies for opinion/argumentation in grades 4–10.
Free webinar - Reading and Writing Instruction for Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Classrooms in a PLC at Work®
Prepare students in grades 4–5 to succeed with increasingly sophisticated reading and writing challenges. This resource contains literacy and student engagement strategies for educators in a professional learning community, as well as reading and writing strategies.
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- A Leader’s Guide to Reading and Writing in a PLC at Work®, Elementary
Aligned to the Every Teacher Is a Literacy Teacher series, this guide outlines how to take urgent action to improve literacy development in a PLC. School leaders will discover how to support elementary teachers in a literacy-focused learning environment that facilitates high-quality instruction and boosts students' reading and writing skills.
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- (Re)designing Argumentation Writing Units for Grades 5–12
Discover how to establish engaging argumentation units of instruction that empower students to present and convince others of their position.
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- The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units
Discover practical strategies and best practices for teaching writing skills in drafting, editing, revising, feedback, assessment, and student collaboration.
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