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Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5

By: Thomasenia Lott Adams, Taylar B. Wenzel, Kristopher J. Childs, Samantha Neff

Close the gender gap in mathematics. Acquire tools, tips, short exercises, and reflection questions that will help you understand the math and gender stereotypes impacting girls’ education and eliminate gender bias through effective elementary school math instruction.

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Address Gender Bias in Elementary Education

Close the gender gap in mathematics across K–5 classrooms. In Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5, a team of acclaimed experts presents their research and recommendations for teaching math to girls in four succinct, results-focused chapters. Included are a variety of tools, tips, short exercises, and reflection questions, as well as videos demonstrating how real classroom teachers strengthen girls’ experiences as learners of mathematics.

Use this book to better understand gender biases related to mathematics and improve girls’ education:

  • Understand the environmental barriers and gender stereotypes that create gender differences in mathematics performance and prevent many girls from learning mathematics at high levels.
  • Learn how to foster a safe learning environment that encourages girls to take risks when they learn math.
  • Focus on the mathematics gender achievement gap through three lenses: (1) perceptions, (2) possibilities, and (3) priorities.
  • Apply the tasks, questions, and evidence (TQE) process to successfully plan and implement inclusive lessons that engage all students.
  • Watch short videos of girls engaging meaningfully in mathematics learning.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF816, EKF409

ISBN: 9781945349782

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 120

“I highly recommend Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5 for all mathematics teachers, instructional leaders, and administrators as a guide to enacting strategies advocating for and empowering each and every girl to rightfully position mathematics as a subject they are excited about, engage in with confidence, are unafraid to take risks in and ask questions about, develop literacy for, appreciate the beauty of, and see endless possibilities for. With a valuable collection of practical and reproducible tools, this book is a must-have as we work to prepare each and every student for their bright futures!”

Sarah B. Bush, associate professor, K–12 STEM education, University of Central Florida

“In this invaluable book, Adams, Wenzel, Childs, and Neff provide specific instructional actions teachers and leaders can take to improve the classroom experiences of girls, cultivate female students’ positive mathematical identity, and empower girls to learn, do, and use mathematics. This book will challenge both your beliefs and practices. I highly recommend it to anyone who cares about reaching each and every student."

Matt Larson, past president, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

“I hear some people remark, ‘Girls’ math gap? Isn’t that all taken care of now?’ Actually, the discrepancies still exist, as revealed in the powerful research base presented in this new book from Adams, Wenzel, Childs, and Neff. Using thoughtful ways to think about change, the authors address the issue via research-informed practical approaches for teachers that delve into helping girls reduce math anxiety, stimulate STEM career interest, build confidence, energize engagement, and experience relevant role models.

Through a multifaceted process emphasizing three Ps: perceptions, possibilities, and priorities, the authors use ‘Do Nows,’ classroom videos, and reflection opportunities to unearth a variety of misconceptions and engage teachers in ways to make genuine change. The gap may still exist today, but Making Sense of Mathematics for Teaching Girls in Grades K–5 is an impressive leap in the right direction."

Karen Karp, professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Education

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