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Need to get back on track? A 2-day workshop is the perfect refresher for you and your team. — Sign up today

Collaborative professional learning for general and special educators

  • DEVELOP collaborative partnerships to close the achievement gap and maximize learning for all.
  • TAKE collective responsibility in improving outcomes for students with special needs.
  • ENSURE the curriculum maintains appropriate levels of rigor for all students.
  • CREATE differentiated interventions for all learners.
  • EXPLORE the research-based strategies and available resources that allow students to achieve their highest potential.

Support all learners with Solution Tree PD

As states adopt more rigorous academic standards, schools must define how special needs fit into standards-aligned curricula, instruction, and assessment. Rely on our experts to provide you with customized guidance as you work to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.

Beyond Labels services explore the six core principles drawn from the experts’ bestselling book Yes We Can! and its companion title All Means All, and specific strategies identified to grow a school site’s ability to improve data for all students and collaboration by all educators.

Each service can be delivered as a stand-alone or compiled into a comprehensive plan.

Where are you on your professional learning journey?

Your Goal

Building Your Skills

One‑Day Services

Yes We Can! Keynote

This 90-minute keynote can be customized and will:

  • Introduce the six core beliefs of Yes We Can!
  • Identify strategies to target areas of strength
  • Explore opportunities for growth
  • Incorporate ideas for celebration
  • Consider methods for purposeful improvement

Yes We Can!

Recommended Resource

Yes We Can Overview

This full-day workshop explores the six core beliefs of Yes We Can!, identifies strategies to target areas of strength and opportunities for growth, and provides participants with ideas for celebration and methods to consider for purposeful improvement. Participants will reflect on their own professional context and will leave with short term targets to consider for continued progress.

Your Goal

Deepening Your Skills

Two‑to‑Four‑Day Services

Yes We Can! Standard 2-Day Workshop

Receive intensive, hands-on team trainings that dive deep into the special education topics that educators need most.

All Means All Institute: General and Special Educators Collaborating for Student Success

Join us at the ALL MEANS ALL Institute, where we highlight the critical partnership between general and special educators to move beyond labels in addressing the pressing issue of the achievement gap among students in the United States.

Your Goal

Sustaining Your Skills

Multi‑Day Services

Site-level Embedded Coaching

A coach will collaborate with building leadership and teacher teams to provide guidance and support in implementing the six core beliefs within the building. Embedded coaching is designed to be flexible and responsive to the unique needs and goals of each educator or team.

The Collaborative IEP

Recommended Resource

Virtual Sessions: Special Education Practices

Delivered by our expert authors and associates, these virtual sessions are designed to support school special education staff in meeting legal guidelines and best practices for IEP development.

Virtual Sessions: Leadership Team

The associate will work with the school leadership team to:

  • Identify priorities aligned with the six core principles from Yes We Can!
  • Develop a comprehensive improvement plan
  • Reflect on plan implementation, emphasizing celebrations and opportunities