Bravo, Arkansas Educators! Celebrating Your Remarkable Efforts

As pizza parties, movie days, award assemblies, and the hum of excitement settles down after the school year, we take the time to reflect and celebrate our students’ successes and achievements. But let’s not forget—we’re not just applauding the success of our students. We’re also celebrating the dedication and collaborative efforts of our educators. Since 1998, Solution Tree has had the privilege to work with educators around the world and in over 8,000 schools and districts in all 50 states, supporting their efforts and empowering them to raise student achievement. The success we’ve seen in hundreds of Arkansas schools and districts comprises a story worth sharing. 

Bravo for focusing on what’s best for students

For seven years, Solution Tree and the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) engaged in a partnership to develop and expand the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® process. To all of the educators in Arkansas who have devoted their trust, time, and effort into ensuring the success of each of their students, our team at Solution Tree would like to extend one of our own staff traditions—a bravo. A bravo is an expression of gratitude from one colleague to another that highlights achievements and the ability to go above and beyond. This bravo goes out to the educators in Arkansas. 

During the PLC at Work Project from 2017–2024, Arkansas teachers demonstrated their commitment to the education and enrichment of every student in their classrooms. From the beginning, they saw the promise in every child—but it was more than just hope that made a difference. These educators came prepared every day to implement strategies and a classroom management plan to ensure each student reached their full potential. They showed great motivation and grit in overcoming numerous COVID-19 challenges, such as student learning loss, absenteeism, and teacher retention, by prioritizing the needs of students and working through the PLC at Work process.

The truth about doing the hard work

By documenting their struggles and triumphs throughout the process, conducting action research, and sharing their best practices, these dedicated educators became a source of inspiration for many other schools and states. A total of 98 schools and 58 districts in the state of Arkansas participated in the PLC at Work Project. Through their hard work, they demonstrated the reliability of the PLC at Work process as a proven path to educational equity and excellence for seven years. Dozens of Arkansas schools and districts implementing the PLC at Work process have shared their successes in the ADE book, The Journey of a Professional Learning Community: Success Across Arkansas.

Bravo, Arkansas educators! Your hard work matters and has created a significant wave of impact on the diverse learners in the classrooms that you serve, extending beyond state borders. Your effort and dedication to the students of Arkansas do not go unnoticed. 

In Garland County, educators at Lake Hamilton Junior High experienced and were able to celebrate their own successes with their students.  

“One pack. One purpose. Our students’ success!”

After three continuous years of learning through the PLC at Work process, students from Lake Hamilton Junior High speak about the significance and impact of “Wolftime,” a free period inspired by RTI at Work™ that allows them to catch up on work, take a missed test, and ensure they’re on target throughout the semester.

“I feel like it’s easier for teachers to help every single individual because there are less people, and they can explain it a little bit better because they have more time,” says a student who utilizes Wolftime.

Another student recalls how her teacher was able to work on a math problem one-on-one with her, making sure that she understood it before moving on to the next student. The district’s motto—“One pack. One purpose. Our students’ success!”—is a true testament to how the educators at Lake Hamilton Junior High worked as a team to give students the space and opportunity to feel invested in their learning experience. 

Read the full success story here

“The biggest plus to the PLC process is that we are coming together. They’re our kids, not just my kids . . . also it’s what we’re doing, not just what I’m doing,” says a proud teacher at Lake Hamilton Junior High.

To celebrate being recognized as a Model PLC at Work school and to honor its commitment to its motto, Lake Hamilton Junior High created a heartfelt video showcasing the real experiences of teachers and students throughout this fruitful process. 

“The process puts an emphasis on the students wanting to learn and wanting to do better,” says a teacher discussing the PLC at Work process. 

Lake Hamilton Junior High’s motto highlights the shared vision of Arkansas educators alike. The ultimate success? Achieving positive learning outcomes for all students. 

Lake Hamilton Junior High Named Model PLC School

Solution Tree

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