Power Up for the New School Year with These Innovative Books

Looking to refresh your approach to learning, take charge, and ignite your creativity?  Look no further with our newest editions of three powerful resources to guide you on your journey. Whether you’re seeking practical learning strategies, actionable steps for getting things done, or a streamlined path to design thinking, these newest editions offer the perfect blend of proven concepts and up-to-date knowledge. 

Explore these insightful resources: 


Learning by Doing: A Handbook for
Professional Learning Communities
at Work®, Fourth Edition

By: Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, Thomas W. Many, Mike Mattos, Anthony Muhammad

The fourth edition of this comprehensive action guide provides new strategies for leveraging PLC for a highly effective multitiered system of supports, expert-led guidance on school culture, and a deeper discussion on connecting school improvement to the mission of helping all students succeed.

Learning by Doing is a gift to educators. The PLC at Work process and practices are critically important and applicable at all levels—state, district, school, and team. This fourth edition expands the learning and research so educators can ensure every student succeeds.”

— Janel Keating, author and educational presenter

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Taking Action: A Handbook for
RTI at Work™, Second Edition

By: Mike Mattos, Austin Buffum, Janet Malone, Luis F. Cruz, Nicole Dimich, Sarah Schuhl

The second edition of the bestseller Taking Action offers a step-by-step guide that defines—tier by tier—the essential actions of the guiding coalition, teacher teams, and intervention team. Educators will delve deeper into how to leverage the PLC at Work® process to create a highly effective multitiered system of supports.

“I cannot think of a better time in the history of American public education to release this book. Record learning gaps, increases in school truancy, and the teacher shortage crisis have caused a perfect storm in the field of education. Taking Action, Second Edition provides a way out and a way forward to not only systemically support learners’ needs, but also create systems of support and extension that secure a bright future for our schools. This is a must read for any educator!”

—Anthony Muhammad, Author and Educational Consultant

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Design in Five: Essential Phases
to Create Engaging Assessment
Practice, Second Edition

By: Nicole Dimich

This second edition of the best-selling, award-winning Design in Five offers new and targeted information for reimagining assessment practices, as well as refined processes and protocols to fully engage learners. Refinements to the original five-phase protocol come from actual experiences of teachers who have engaged with the process.

“Nicole Dimich’s second edition of Design in Five: Essential Phases to Create Engaging Assessment Practice is practical and student-focused. This is the assessment book that every professional learning community (PLC) would appreciate when designing collaborative and engaging assessments for students.”

 — Keitha-Gail Martin-Kerr, associate professor of teaching, University of Minnesota

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