These 5 Amazing Books Will Help Teachers Become Leaders

Looking to make a positive impact beyond your classroom? These five books offer invaluable resources and strategies to help you develop the skills and confidence needed to become a successful teacher leader. Discover practical tips, inspiring stories, and actionable advice to take your leadership journey to the next level.

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The Emerging Teacher Leader: Six
Dynamic Practices to Nurture
Professional Growth

By: Margaret Coughlan, Kathy Perez

Learn the six practices that promote and support teachers in their leadership work. This book serves as a tool that teachers can use to revisit and realign their purpose and teacher leadership actions during their tenure as educators. 

“No matter what their title is, EVERY teacher is a leader and a role model—yet few receive adequate leadership training. Coughlan and Perez understand this, and they have created this wonderful guide to equip and empower teachers with six practices that promote and support them in their leadership work. Timely and essential!”

— Danny Brassell, internationally-acclaimed reading motivation expert

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Teacher Leaders, Classroom Champions:
How to Influence, Support, and Renew School Communities

By: Jeanetta Jones Miller

Teacher leadership is not about doing more; it’s about doing what matters most. We can’t put more hours in the school day, but those hours can be used better to achieve goals for schools. The purpose of this book is to provide information that teacher leaders can act on right now.

“Teachers in classrooms have the ability to impact the learning that happens for their students using the instruction they deliver every day. A strong, well-trained teacher leader can shift practice for an entire school community. This book has the potential to spark a movement of teachers seeing themselves as leaders.”

— Johanna Josaphat, teacher leader, The Urban Assembly Unison School, New York

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Leadership at Every Level: Five
Qualities of Effective Classroom, School, and District Leaders

By: Janelle Clevenger McLaughlin

Nurture your leadership skills and grow as a lifelong learner with the support of Leadership at Every Level. Ideal for book studies, this resource shares practical, research-based strategies for strengthening leadership capacity at the classroom, school, and district levels.

“Transformative, innovative, and needed: Janelle provides us with a framework to demonstrate that all educators are leaders in their own right and illustrates how we can align our leadership to navigate and take on an ever-changing and challenging education landscape together.”

— Matt Rhoads, technology and instructional leader

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Meeting Goals: Protocols for Leading
Effective, Purpose-Driven Discussions in Schools

By: Thomas M. Van Soelen

When used effectively, discussion protocols have the power to help educators cultivate highly impactful, collaborative spaces. Learn how you can lead structured and productive discussions in your own learning community with Meeting Goals

“Van Soelen provides fresh insights, sound advice, and practical strategies for leading impactful discussions based on his wealth of experience in utilizing protocols in schools. This is an important resource for any educator who aspires to focus teachers’ collaborations on instructional improvement for the ultimate purpose of improving outcomes for all students.”

— Jenni Donohoo, education expert

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Emerge: The Five Most Common
Challenges Faced by Middle Leaders
and How to Overcome Them

By: Gavin Grift

Become a more self-aware leader with Emerge. This book helps teacher leaders gain rich insights into who they are and how to elevate self-awareness. Uncover strategies to help clarify your leadership mission and ensure your values align. Walk away with valuable, fresh perspectives to propel you forward with renewed self-assurance.

“The focus on building confidence in leaders is thoroughly done. I appreciate the reflection and introspective approach to professional growth that readers can take away from this book.”

— Rick Bell, assistant principal, New Prague Middle School, Minnesota

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