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Breauna C. Wall

Breauna C. Wall, EdD, is an esteemed education professional with over a decade of experience as a leader, scholar, and practitioner. She champions equitable and collaborative education, with a focus on empowering educators through transformative knowledge, training, and support.


Breauna C. Wall

Breauna C. Wall, EdD, is an esteemed education professional with over a decade of experience as a leader, scholar, and practitioner. As the founder and CEO of CollaborativeEd Solutions, she champions equitable and collaborative education, with a focus on empowering special education. Dr. Wall empowers educators through transformative knowledge, training, and support. In addition to her role at CollaborativeEd Solutions, she is a Solution Tree author, teaching associate at Johns Hopkins University, clinical instructor at California State Polytechnic University Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona), and co-host of The Straight Ed Talks Podcast.

As a member of the American Educational Research Association, Dr. Wall has presented throughout the United States. Topics have included empowering inclusive and equitable classrooms and championing collaborative approaches to special education. Her published work includes, but is not limited to, articles in the Journal of Online Learning Research and the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

Dr. Wall holds a bachelor’s degree in the sociology of law, criminology, and deviance from her home state’s University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. She has a master of education degree in educational leadership and principalship from Northern Arizona University, a master of education degree in special education from Arizona State University, and a doctor of education degree from Johns Hopkins University specializing in the mind, brain, and teaching.