Brenda Davis
Brenda Davis is originally from New Zealand and currently resides in Oklahoma City. As an educator, Brenda is committed to educational equity for all students and has served in Title 1, urban, high poverty, and high multilingual learner (ML) populations for the past 21 years.
Brenda Davis
Brenda Davis is originally from New Zealand, where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education from Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, and taught elementary school. She moved to the USA in 2001 to teach in Oklahoma City Public Schools.
As an educator, Brenda is committed to educational equity for all students and has served in Title 1, urban, high poverty, and high multilingual learner (ML) populations for the past 21 years. Her teaching experience includes elementary school, middle school, and MLs at both levels. She has been an administrator for 15 years, and she was the principal at Arbor Grove Elementary in the Putnam City School District for 12 years and led the school to Model Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Work® status.
Brenda was recently appointed as the director of elementary curriculum and instruction for Piedmont Public Schools. Her focus will be to grow and develop a collaborative learning environment to ensure high levels of learning for all students, and to develop leadership capacity within the district.
In 2014, Brenda opened the new Arbor Grove Elementary School building, which included 550 preK through 5th grade students, and added four self-contained Special Education classes and an expanded Special Education team. As a result, Brenda has extensive experience with special education processes and procedures as well as the ability to create inclusive environments where all students belong. In 2016, Arbor Grove Elementary improved their state-assigned letter grade from a D to a B. Brenda believes Arbor Grove is proof that all students can learn at high levels, overcoming the challenges of poverty and multiple language learning, in an environment where all means all.
Brenda Davis was awarded the Oklahoma Multicultural Teacher of the Year in 2008 and received the James Burnett Distinguished Principal award from the Oklahoma Associate of Elementary Schools in 2017, which recognized her as one of the top three principals in the state of Oklahoma. She is a member of the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administrators, and she serves on the Teacher Education Council at Oklahoma City University.
Brenda graduated with honors from the University of Central Oklahoma with her master’s degree in education. She also completed a Master’s Certificate in Restorative Practices through the Institute of Restorative Practices, and she is committed to working with students to change behavior, rather than assigning consequences.
Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®
Hand-selected and trained by PLC at Work champions our Priority Schools in a PLC at Work experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process and have specific experience with the unique challenges that face schools labeled as low performing. Work with them to identify and prioritize critical areas of growth to implement changes in a timely manner with a focus on student achievement.
PLC at Work®
PLC at Work® experts have proven success in leading the PLC at Work process in a school or district. Work with them to implement a focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation that leads to sustained, substantive school improvement.
Yes We Can!
Yes We Can! experts have proven success in improving outcomes for students with special needs. Work with them to develop collaborative partnerships in order to implement inclusive processes and programs that support every learner in your school community.
Presentations by Brenda Davis
- Focusing Your Collaboration Time
- Moving Forward—Where Are We Now and What Next?
- What Is Our Data Telling Us?
- Connecting the Instructional Cycle to Our PLC Work
- Help! Our Collaborative Team Is Off Track!