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Andy Hargreaves

Andy Hargreaves, PhD, is an emeritus professor at Boston College and holds visiting or honorary professorships at the University of Ottawa, Hong Kong University, the University of Stavanger, and Swansea University.

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Andy Hargreaves

Andy Hargreaves, PhD, was born and grew up in Accrington, Lancashire, in England. He is an emeritus professor at Boston College and holds visiting or honorary professorships at the University of Ottawa, Hong Kong University, the University of Stavanger, and Swansea University. He is past president of the International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement and adviser in education to the first minister of Scotland, and from 2014 to 2018, he also advised the premier of Ontario. Dr. Hargreaves is cofounder and president of Atlantic Rim Collaboratory (ARC), a group of nations and their ministers and professional association leaders committed to broadly defined excellence, equity, well-being, inclusion, democracy, and human rights in professionally run systems.

Dr. Hargreaves has given keynote addresses in more than fifty countries, forty-seven US states, and all Australian states and Canadian provinces. His more than thirty books have attracted multiple outstanding-writing awards, including the Grawemeyer Award in Education in 2015, the highest-value award in the field. Dr. Hargreaves is ranked in the top twenty scholars with the most influence on US education policy debate. In 2015, Boston College gave him its Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award. He holds honorary doctorates from the Education University of Hong Kong and Uppsala University in Sweden. His books include Moving; Uplifting Leadership: How Organizations, Teams, and Communities Raise Performance with Alan Boyle and Alma Harris; and Collaborative Professionalism: When Teaching Together Means Learning for All with Michael T. O’Connor.

To learn more about Dr. Hargreaves’s work, visit www.andy hargreaves.com or follow @HargreavesBC on Twitter.

Presentations by Andy Hargreaves

  • Educational and Organizational Change
  • The Fourth Way: Sustainable Leadership
  • Emotions and Teaching