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Through New Eyes, Second Edition

Examining the Culture of Your School

By: Richard DuFour, Eric Twadell

Discover what a collaborative culture of student-centered learning looks like through the eyes of a struggling learner. Recorded at the award-winning Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, this video workshop is a great way to build unity around the why behind PLC at Work®: learning for all.

Through New Eyes will be accessible as streaming video through your Solution Tree account once payment is received. For credit card payments, your content will be automatically added to the account attached to the credit card. If you prefer the video be added to a different account, please call 800.733.6786 prior to making your purchase.

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Availability: In stock
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Format: Streaming Video

Why the PLC at Work® process matters to struggling learners:
A student’s perspective

This second edition of a classic bestseller comes in a new digital format, no DVD player required. All-new streaming videos, a facilitator’s guide, PowerPoint slides, and reproducibles that include engagement and reflection activities allow school leadership to facilitate a powerful staff workshop that illustrates the differing experiences a struggling student may have in a traditional school culture versus a PLC culture.

After participating in this video workshop, educators will:

  • Recognize the difference between school structure and school culture
  • Ponder how a student who is struggling might experience a traditional school environment compared to the focus on student learning found in a PLC school
  • Reflect on their own school’s culture and norms
  • Consider culture changes that will align their school’s practices with the fundamental purpose of learning and result in continuous school improvement

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Product Code: DIG119

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What if I have trouble accessing the streaming video? Our customer service team is ready to help! Call 800.733.6786 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. ET or email [email protected].

What are the technical requirements for accessing the streaming video? Internet access and a PDF reader is required to access your video. High-speed Internet access is best for viewing image-rich PDFs.The PDF is compatible with most browsers.

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