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Collaborative Teams That Work

The Definitive Guide to Cycles of Learning in a PLC

By: Gavin Grift, Colin Sloper

Collaborative Teams That Work is the ultimate guide to excellent collaboration. Rely on this resource as you set up collaborative teams within your PLC, and then refer back to it before, during, and after meetings to maintain focus on the right work.

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Due to licensing restrictions, only customers within the United States and Canada may purchase Collaborative Teams That Work from this website. Customers in any other country may purchase this title from Hawker Brownlow Education.
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Collaborative Teams That Work

Collaborative Teams That Work is the ultimate guide to excellent collaboration. To support your PLC’s path forward, authors Gavin Grift and Colin Sloper outline 12 specific actions that lead to greater, more effective teamwork. Rely on this resource as you set up your collaborative teams, and then refer back to it before, during, and after meetings to maintain focus on the right work.

  • Understand the positive effects of collaboration in education.
  • Examine the cycle of learning and how it optimizes education for both students and teachers.
  • Implement 12 actions to collaborate more effectively.
  • Adapt the cycle of learning and collaborative techniques to other types of educational teams.
  • See the big picture of collaboration and how the learning cycle fits into the educational system over many years.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKB012, EKB005

ISBN: 9781951075897

Published By: Solution Tree

Collaborative Teams That Work does a masterful job of mapping the learning pathway through the development of twelve essential steps for effective teams. Not only do these steps provide a strong action orientation, they also produce results. This book resolves a key barrier in the collaborative process and is a must-read to enhance team effectiveness and student learning.”

Dennis King, educational speaker, author, and PLC expert

“Sloper and Grift’s Collaborative Teams That Work is a must-have for schools on the journey to becoming a resilient professional learning community. The authors guide us through twelve action steps that highly effective teams undertake to ensure high levels of learning for both students and adults. A highlight of the book is an emphasis on the job-embedded professional development that occurs during collaborative team meetings. Both teams new to the PLC concept and more experienced teams will find that this book provides clarity around their work and will undoubtedly move them deeper into the process.”

Diane Kerr, educational speaker and author

“This book holds the secret to taking collaborative teams to the next level. The twelve actions are so strategic and intentional that they have to be the foundation of every team. I felt like the authors were speaking directly to me and addressing my school's current reality. No matter where you are on the PLC journey, Collaborative Teams That Work is an essential tool for every team.”

Daniel Evans, Jr., principal, Moores Mill Intermediate School, New Market, Alabama (Model PLC)
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