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Jan K. Hoegh

Set Ascending Direction

Items 1-10 of 11

per page
  1. A Handbook for High Reliability Schools

    The Next Step in School Reform

    Usher in the new era of school reform. The authors help you transform your schools into organizations that take proactive steps to prevent failure and ensure student success. Using a research-based five-level hierarchy along with leading and lagging indicators, you'll learn to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of your schools. Each chapter includes what actions should be taken at each level.


    Paperback, eBook

  2. Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools

    The Next Step in PLCs

    Explore research-based steps and strategies you can use to increase the effectiveness of collaborative teams and enhance professional learning communities.


    Paperback, eBook

  3. A Handbook for Developing and Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom

    Discover a clear path for creating and utilizing high-quality proficiency scales. Through this practical handbook, you will gain access to a comprehensive toolkit of strategies, methods, and examples for a variety of content areas and grade levels.


    Paperback, eBook

  4. Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability Schools™

    Cultures of Continuous Learning

    Dramatically improve your school by merging the High Reliability Schools™ (HRS) model and the PLC at Work® process. Ensure continuous quality improvement through strong leadership and culture building.


    Receive 20% off the eBook at checkout


  5. Leading Standards-Based Learning

    An Implementation Guide for Schools and Districts

    Standards-based learning is a great step forward for schools, but it must be implemented correctly to ensure the best educational experience possible. In this comprehensive implementation guide, the authors outline a research-backed, five-phase plan for leading the transition to a standards-based grading system.



  6. Planning and Teaching in the Standards-Based Classroom

    Shifting to standards-based learning is a big change. Rely on Planning and Teaching in the Standards-Based Classroom to help you move forward with clarity and confidence. This can’t-miss guide delivers straightforward, practical tools and detailed instructions for everything from lesson planning to proficiency scales to parent communication.



  7. The Critical Concepts: Proficiency Scales to Accelerate Student Learning (edWebinar)

    May 4, 2022

    Research indicates that most standards documents articulate far more content than can be taught in the time available to K–12 teachers. In response, analysts at Marzano Resources sought to identify, as objectively as possible, a focused set of critical concepts for each grade level in the content areas of English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies.

    Free webinar

  8. Assessing Learning in the Standards-Based Classroom

    A Practical Guide for Teachers

    Whether you are well versed in writing proficiency scales or are seeking practical guidance on classroom assessment that best supports student learning, this book will help you design standards-based assessments that provide meaningful data to inform your next steps in the instructional cycle.


    Paperback, eBook