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Charting the Course for Collaborative Teams

Lessons From Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®

Contributors: Joe Cuddemi, Diane Kerr, Tammy Miller, Gerry Petersen-Incorvaia, Dana Renner, Michael Roberts, Tamie Sanders, Sarah Schuhl

Edited by: Sharon V. Kramer

Develop the know-how to work as a collaborative team to overcome barriers and challenges in priority schools. This comprehensive anthology offers clear steps you can take to significantly improve underperforming schools.

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Format: Paperback
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Strategies to boost student achievement in priority schools

Develop the know-how to work collaboratively within the PLC at Work® process to overcome barriers and challenges in your priority school. Edited by Sharon V. Kramer, this must-read anthology brings together numerous contributors who share the strategies they used to successfully turn around underperforming schools. Rely on their specific suggestions and purposeful actions to guide the work of your collaborative teams on a daily basis.

  • Understand how to effectively implement the PLC process to support school-improvement efforts.
  • Receive replicable research-based strategies and processes for turning around underperforming schools and districts.
  • Study the experiences of educators who have worked with priority schools and solved common challenges and pitfalls within them.
  • Explore equitable practices for working with various student populations within priority schools, such as English learners, students in need of intervention, and students who will benefit from learning extensions.
  • Understand how to collaboratively gather, analyze, and take action on data to inform school improvement efforts.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF978, EKF541

ISBN: 9781951075576

Published By: Solution Tree

“This timely book provides specific, proven strategies to support the work of continuous learning in priority schools. The authors understand what it takes to positively influence change and increase student learning firsthand. The experience and know-how shared in this book will help others do the same.”

Jonathan G. Vander Els, Author of Breaking With Tradition: The Shift to Competency-Based Learning in PLCs at Work

“Each chapter provides a compelling, experience-based testimony for teams to build clarity and capacity aligned with the four critical questions of a PLC. With an emphasis on purpose, practices, and products, this is a powerful resource for schools looking to propel their teams to deeper and more impactful collaboration.”

David LaRose, education coach, presenter, and speaker

“This book a succinct overview of the PLC process in schools. After reading Charting the Course for Collaborative Teams, educators will be able to implement procedures and strategies to further their own collaborative journey.”

Jeremy Francom, social studies teacher at Lander Valley High School, Model PLC School, Wyoming
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