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200+ Proven Strategies for Teaching Reading, Grades K–8

By: Kathy Perez

This book provides K–8 teachers with practical strategies to help all students, especially those who are struggling, develop their reading abilities.

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Format: Paperback, eBook
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200+ Proven Strategies for Teaching Reading, Grades K–8

This easy-to-use reference guide provides K–8 teachers with practical strategies to motivate all students to develop their reading abilities across grade levels and content areas. With instructional practices that can be adapted for a wide range of academic interventions, teachers will be able to help students who are struggling with reading to make great strides in literacy achievement.

  • Gain insight into the early signs of reading struggles.
  • Examine relevant theory and research related to literacy.
  • Review questioning strategies to help students broaden their understanding when reading challenging texts.
  • Explore graphic organizers that can engage higher-level thinking skills.
  • Survey a toolbox of instructional practices for supporting literacy in inclusive classrooms.
  • Study a blueprint for success for literacy programs.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKF663, EKF272

ISBN: 9781936764433

Published By: Solution Tree

Page Count: 160

“Wow! A practical yet simple book with powerful strategies that can be used immediately. Read it straight through or simply open it up anywhere for instant access to a multitude of ideas to help all your readers succeed.”

Richard Allen, Green Light Education

“Kathy Perez provides practical ideas for both experienced and new teachers to help them support students at all levels. This book is a rich resource educators will go back to over and over again.”

Adria Klein, professor emerita of reading education, California State University, San Bernardino

"Kathy Perez provides critical tools to guide students in reading and writing that are easily adaptable for various academic levels. Perez is the ultimate teacher cheerleader who places a focus on learning for all."

Cathy Chan, principal, Shore Acres Elementary, California

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