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Promises Fulfilled

A Leader’s Guide for Supporting English Learners

By: Margarita Espino Calderón, Shawn Slakk

With: Hector Montenegro

Discover research-based strategies preK–12 administrators and teacher leaders can implement to effectively support English learners in their schools or districts.

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Format: Paperback, eBook
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Promises Fulfilled

English learners (ELs) arrive at school with unique proficiency levels and content competencies, cultural and educational backgrounds, and instructional needs. In this book, the authors share research-based strategies preK–12 administrators and teacher leaders can implement to effectively identify and support ELs. Each chapter ends with discussion questions readers should share with staff or team members to promote EL success schoolwide.

  • Study research that supports the approaches to EL implementation covered in this book.
  • Review academic definitions and everyday definitions of key terms for EL services.
  • Gain clear guidance on how to communicate and implement expectations for EL teaching.
  • Learn how to take a whole-school approach to EL success.
  • Discuss key questions with your staff or team for supporting English learning.

Related Topics

English LearnersLeadership

Additional Information

Product Code: BKF774, EKF369

ISBN: 9781943874927

Published By: Solution Tree

“The book’s well-organized manner of listing what to teach, offering templates for keeping track, and giving explanations for what is best for professional development for staff and principals is a must for all school administrators. After all, if you don’t have ELs now, you will, and this book will help you be ready.”

Marjorie L. Myers, principal, Francis Scott Key Elementary School, Virginia

“This comprehensive book includes everything you need to know about implementing an effective EL program in your school or district, including how to identify and assess ELs, provide support, implement instructional practices and strategies, provide professional development for staff, establish effective leadership, and generate questions for reflection and discussion.”

Amy Swick, continuous school improvement coordinator of ELL/bilingual programs, Appleton Area School District, Wisconsin
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