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All Means All Institute: General and Special Educators Collaborating for Student Success

Marshalltown, Iowa | November 24–25, 2025
This event has sold out, view other events here.
  • $669.00 per person for teams of 5 or more

Join us at the ALL MEANS ALL Institute, where we highlight the critical partnership between general and special educators to move beyond labels in addressing the pressing issue of the achievement gap among students in the United States. With over 7.3 million K–12 students qualifying for special education services, this challenge demands urgent attention and collaborative action.

Our institute offers engaging keynotes and specialized breakout sessions designed to equip educator teams with the tools necessary to collaboratively close the achievement gap and ensure all students receive the support they need to succeed. Led by nationally recognized experts, participants will delve into research-based techniques and innovative strategies proven successful in various school and district settings.

Throughout the institute, participants will:

  • Recognize the urgency of closing the achievement gap for ALL learners
  • Challenge the alignment mindset, practices, and culture to the belief that ALL learners can achieve at high levels
  • Explore the foundational role of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in promoting high levels of learning for all students
  • Learn effective collaboration strategies between general and special educators
  • Foster shared ownership to support a guaranteed and viable curriculum through collaborative processes
  • Develop targeted plans to meet the needs of diverse learners
  • Foster shared ownership of Individualized Education Program (IEP) development and implementation
  • Gain clarity on collaborative standards-aligned IEP goals
  • Discover strategies for scaffolding instruction and leveraging technology
  • Learn key steps and considerations to apply when designing unit-planning schedules to enhance core instruction and interventions
  • Explore resources for building a robust Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
  • Establish collaborative processes for standards-aligned instruction, assessment, and grading
  • Challenge traditional approaches to special education leadership with fresh insights
  • Cultivate self- and collective efficacy through supportive teamwork

Building on the principles outlined in the best-selling book Yes We Can!, our presenters provide clear criteria and actionable processes for schools to ensure every student achieves at high levels. Together, educators can proactively address the achievement gap, foster a culture, and implement strategies to ensure schools go beyond labels so all students, regardless of their educational needs, thrive. Join us in creating inclusive and supportive environments where every student's success is championed.

On-Site Solution Tree Book Co-op Open Throughout Event

Monday, November 24th

6:30–8:00 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00–9:45 a.m. Keynote
9:45–10:00 a.m.


10:00–11:30 a.m. Breakouts
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Lunch (provided)

12:30–2:00 p.m.


2:00–2:15 p.m.


2:15–3:15 p.m. Power Hour: An Interactive Think Tank

Tuesday, November 25th

7:00–8:00 a.m.

Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00–9:45 a.m. Keynote
9:45–10:00 a.m.


10:00–11:30 a.m. Breakouts
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Lunch (provided)

12:30–2:00 p.m.


2:00–2:15 p.m.


2:15–3:15 p.m. Team Time

Events reach capacity quickly. Please confirm your registration before making travel plans.

Parking information: Comp at both hotel (registered guests) and school

All rates are per day and subject to change.

In order to receive the discounted hotel room rate, please mention Solution Tree. After the deadline listed below, rates will be determined by the hotel.

Primary Hotel

Holiday Inn Express and Suites Marshalltown

102 Iowa Avenue West
Marshalltown, Iowa 50158

Discounted Rates: $132/night (single & double)
Deadline: October 23, 2025, or until group rate is sold out.


Marshalltown High School

1602 S. 2nd Avenue

Marshalltown, Iowa

Participation Information

You will receive a certificate of participation 6 weeks after the event concludes. Please check with your department of education for CEU availability.

On-Site Solution Tree Book Co-op Discounts

  • Buy 5 or more Solution Tree titles or resources and receive 30% off and free shipping
  • On-site book co-op open daily throughout the event

Discounts above are for on-site purchases only. Does not include any non-Solution Tree product, toolkit, or sale table items. Purchase orders and credit cards accepted. We now accept Apple, Google and Samsung Pay onsite. Continental US only.

Additional Information

Product code: CFF880

Hosted by: Marshalltown Community School District

Five Reasons to Attend a Solution Tree Event (PDF)
A Letter to Your Boss (DOC)

Included with your registration

All Means All

All Means All

Be brave and shift the mindset—inclusion begins with recognizing all students as general education students. This book provides educators with practical tools, research, and renewed motivation to champion all learners. Organized around learning, living, and leading, it offers deeper dives into Yes We Can! practices, emphasizing how to implement them effectively.

Event Journal

Event Journal

We’re enhancing your event experience. In addition to providing presentations in digital format, Solution Tree is publishing retail-quality, perfect-bound notebooks expertly designed to support your learning. Any printed handouts or worksheets integrated into your sessions will continue to be provided.