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Beyond PLC Lite

Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning in a Professional Learning Community at Work®

By: Anthony R. Reibel, Troy Gobble, Mark Onuscheck, Eric Twadell

Designed for teachers and leaders who want to disrupt the status quo, bust out of PLC Lite, and persistently pursue a culture of continuous improvement, this book carries it all. It emphasizes creating a student-centered approach to teaching and learning in a PLC that prioritizes student agency and efficacy.

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Move beyond PLC Lite with a focus on student and teacher agency and efficacy

Becoming a PLC is no small feat—it requires years of collaboration and commitment. In this powerful guide, discover ten evidence-based actions to help move your school teams beyond “PLC Lite,” and center student agency and efficacy in curriculum, assessment, instruction, and intervention practices. Access sample rubrics, protocols, and templates designed to build a culture of continuous improvement.

This book will help K–12 educators:

  • Learn the ten essential actions to elevate their PLC to the next level
  • Encourage meaningful student participation through the gradual release of responsibility model
  • Understand how to evaluate diverse student feedback
  • Design curriculum and assessments centered on student agency and well-being
  • Work with the four critical questions of intervention
  • Explore how the three big ideas of a PLC intersect at the teacher, student, and school levels

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InstructionProfessional Learning Communities at Work®Professional Learning CommunitiesTeacher Efficacy

Additional Information

Product Code: BKF913, EKF476

ISBN: 9781949539134

Published By: Solution Tree

“There has yet to be a guide like Beyond PLC Lite, which makes a distinct contribution to the field by taking the audience through a journey that breaks collaborative teams away from deeply entrenched grading and assessment practices, ensuring they operate as part of a true, high-functioning professional learning community.”

Christie Shealy, director of testing and accountability, Anderson School District One, South Carolina

“The authors do a wonderful job of starting the book off with the need for student agency and efficacy, and the directions and tools provided throughout each chapter help readers know how the PLC process leads to high-level action. This book will be a tremendous resource for teams that are already deep in the PLC process but need to go back and revise their practices to make the learning and culture even better.”

John Unger, principal, West Fork Middle School, Arkansas

Beyond PLC Lite is my new go-to playbook for supporting teams transitioning from only sharing ideas and practices to using student evidence to make better decisions about teaching and learning. The authors are practitioners who provide actionable steps, resources, and reproducible tools that are easy to use and can be immediately implemented.”

Wendy Custable, assistant principal for teaching and learning, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Illinois
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