Brian J. Kosena
Brian J. Kosena, EdD, is the Director of Teaching and Learning in Westminster Public Schools. Previously, he was the founding principal of John E. Flynn A Marzano Academy, a preK–8 school of innovation in Westminster Public Schools in Westminster, Colorado.
Brian J. Kosena
Brian J. Kosena, EdD, is the Director of Teaching and Learning in Westminster Public Schools. Previously, he was the founding principal of John E. Flynn A Marzano Academy, a preK–8 school of innovation in Westminster Public Schools in Westminster, Colorado. The first campus of the Marzano Academy network, Flynn continues to serve as the instructional laboratory school for both Westminster Public Schools and Marzano Academies. Dr. Kosena has been an educator since 2006 and has experience as a principal, instructional technology coordinator, and high school social studies teacher. His experiences in education range from teaching in a private Jesuit high school to being the principal of a predominantly minority and low-income public elementary school. He has also taught graduate-level and teacher-licensure courses in the Denver metro area.
Dr. Kosena is a strong advocate for competency-based education (CBE). In addition to working in Westminster Public Schools, a national leader in CBE design, Dr. Kosena has formally researched CBE instructional practices and implementation in school settings. He regularly attends and presents at CBE conferences, helping share his experiences while encouraging a wider adoption of CBE across all public school systems. His work has helped identify common challenges for CBE schooling and find practicable solutions.
Dr. Kosena received a bachelor’s degree in international affairs from the University of Colorado Boulder, a master’s degree in secondary education from the University of Phoenix, and a doctorate in educational leadership and equity from the University of Colorado Denver.