Carol Scearce
Carol Scearce has three major areas of focus: adolescent literacy, her most recent focus; effective teaching strategies; and team building for leadership and middle school teams.
Carol Scearce
Carol Scearce has three major areas of focus: adolescent literacy, her most recent focus; effective teaching strategies; and team building for leadership and middle school teams. Through her work on an adolescent literacy grant project with the College of William & Mary, Carol became a firm believer in the power of reading comprehension. Since then, she has spent hundreds of hours designing training and working in middle and high school classrooms to model the information from her workshops.
Carol has also worked as a program manager for a federal grant, an instructor, and a classroom teacher. As staff development coordinator for Chesterfield County Public Schools in Richmond, Virginia, Carol designed all the programs and delivered most of them. She also worked with Virginia Tech to establish one of the first mentoring programs in the state and designed one of the first “trainer of trainer” models to be used in Virginia. Awards include the Kettering Foundation Distinguished Educators Award and Outstanding Special Educator of the Year. She was also awarded a fellowship for graduate work in special education.
An expert in team building, Carol has trained hundreds of teachers and administrators and wrote two books on the subject, 100 Ways to Build Teams and 122 Ways to Build Teams. She has worked with numerous school systems throughout the U.S., helping to build teams within these professional learning communities.
Carol received an endorsement in administration and supervision from Virginia Commonwealth University and a bachelor of science in elementary education and early childhood and master of education in special education from Georgia Southern University.
Presentations by Carol Scearce
- Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy
- Literacy and Leadership: What Administrators Need to Know
- Bring On the Vocabulary!
- The Magnificent 7 Comprehension Strategies and Power Tools for Cognition