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Present for Us

Solution Tree’s mission is to advance the work of our authors. To support these efforts, we partner with highly skilled, responsive, and dedicated professionals to provide high-quality professional development to schools and districts across the world.

We’re always on the lookout for prospective associates with expertise in one of the following topics:

  • PLC at Work®*
  • Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®*
  • RTI at Work™*
  • Transforming School Culture
  • Assessment Center
  • Mathematics at Work™
  • DNA Mathematics
  • Wellness Solutions for Educators™

*Your school must be listed as a Model PLC at Work® on allthingsplc.info before your application will be considered. You may apply to become a Model PLC at Work and submit your application to become an associate simultaneously.

We’re also recruiting educators with expertise in literacy education.

If you are interested in becoming a Solution Tree associate and meet the following criteria, we would love to hear from you:

  • You have demonstrated success implementing the work of our authors.
  • You are a skilled presenter or coach.
  • You have passion for helping students succeed.

For questions about our criteria or application process, please contact the Solution Tree PD Team at [email protected].

Request more information about becoming a Solution Tree associate