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Becoming Active Citizens

Practices to Engage Students in Civic Education Across the Curriculum

How do you encourage active citizenship in the classroom? This innovative resource provides a practical approach for creating authentic, engaging learning experiences. Prepare students to participate in civic discourse while creating a positive classroom culture.


  • Learn how to transform civic education to prepare students to become active and engaged citizens.
  • Discover how to weave civic instruction across the curriculum to create authentic, interdisciplinary projects.
  • Explore games and other activities that enhance student engagement and understanding of civics.
  • Receive lesson examples of effective civic instruction for various grade levels and subject areas.
  • Understand how to create opportunities for teaching democratic values through productive civil discourse.

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Becoming Active Citizens

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Part 1: The State of Civic Education
Chapter 1: How Schools Provide Civic Education
Chapter 2: What Works in Civic Education
Part 2: Modern Civics in Action
Chapter 3: The Power of Action Civics and Authentic Experiences
Chapter 4: Engagement in Civil Discourse
Chapter 5: News Media Literacy for Combating Misinformation
Chapter 6: Engagement Through Digital Games and Competitions
Part 3: Civics Lessons Across Subject Areas
Chapter 7: Civics Lessons for Social Studies
Chapter 8: Civics Lessons for English Language Arts
Chapter 9: Civics Lessons for Science and Mathematics
Chapter 10: Interdisciplinary Civics Experiences

Suggested Resources


  • McLeod, S., & Shareski, D. (2017). Different schools for a different world. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10