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Designing Effective Assessments

Assessment is a critical component of effective teaching and learning. Designed specifically for K–12 educators, this title presents ten key assessment design tools and clearly outlines how to incorporate each tool into daily classroom practices. With quality assessment processes in place, teachers at all grade levels can accurately measure student mastery and shape instruction to increase achievement.


  • Study research that supports each of the ten key assessment design tools described in this book.
  • Explore the benefits of involving students in the assessment process.
  • Learn how to align grading policies and practices to ensure they are valid and reliable.
  • Examine how standards-based grading and reporting communicate student learning better than traditional assessment practices.
  • Use reproducible handouts to create your own effective assessment and feedback practices.

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Designing Effective Assessments

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Chapter 1: Enhancing the Validity and Reliability of Assessments
Chapter 2: Measuring Student Attitudes, Dispositions, and Engagement Using Affective Assessment
Chapter 3: Assessing Student Criterion-Referenced Learning Using Performance-Based Assessment
Chapter 4: Documenting Student Progress Through Portfolios
Chapter 5: Creating Rubrics for Student Feedback
Chapter 6: Building Practical Grading Practices
Chapter 7: Building Valid and Reliable Grading Practices
Chapter 8: Improving Communication Through Standards-Based Grading
Chapter 9: Understanding and Using Standardized Assessment Data
Chapter 10: Teaching Test-Taking Skills


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10