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Design in Five, Second Edition

Essential Phases to Create Engaging Assessment Practice

“The singular contribution of this book is shifting the focus of assessment from external audiences to students,” writes author and assessment expert Douglas Reeves in the foreword. This second edition of Design in Five inspires educators to rethink old ways of assessing student learning and empowers them to create meaningful, relevant assessments to ensure high levels of learning.


  • Reflect on current assessment practices to determine their effectiveness.
  • Learn and implement a five-phase process to design meaningful, relevant assessments that lead to high levels of learning for all.
  • Align and design items and tasks to learning goals.
  • Design assessments that help students invest in their learning and take action to improve.
  • Access numerous reproducible surveys, charts, and sample assessments.

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Design in Five, Second Edition

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Chapter 1: Defining the Design Process
Chapter 2: Choosing Standards and Planning Engagement
Chapter 3: Analyzing Standards and Constructing Learning Progressions (Laddering)
Chapter 4: Crafting an Assessment Plan
Chapter 5: Creating the Assessment and Gathering the Materials
Chapter 6: Determining a Scoring Scheme and Student-Investment Strategies
Chapter 7: Collaboratively Engaging in the Assessment Process


Chapter 2 Resources

Chapter 3 Reproducibles

Chapter 3 Resources

Chapter 4 Reproducibles

Chapter 4 Resources

Chapter 5 Reproducibles

Chapter 5 Resources

Chapter 6 Reproducibles

Chapter 7 Reproducibles

Appendix Reproducibles



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