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Pathways to Proficiency
Implementing Evidence-Based Grading, Second Edition
This book provides a five-phase process for implementing evidence-based grading, offering practical guidance for teachers and a clear road map for school leaders to improve student assessment, grading, and reporting. The five-phase process helps schools address some of the challenges they encounter with standards-based and competency-based grading models, providing structured steps and solutions. K–12 administrators can use this book to evaluate their system’s effectiveness, reflect on successes and challenges, and continuously refine evidence-based grading practices to enhance student learning outcomes.
- Propose, design, and evaluate new grading practices based on student performance.
- Lead and organize the implementation of evidence-based grading policies and practices.
- Establish clearer guidelines, benchmarks, and standards of student performance.
- Navigate common pitfalls when transitioning to a new evidence-based assessment model.
- Enhance student performance through more consistent feedback and stronger mentorship.
Introduction: A Case for a Better Way to Grade
Chapter 1: Preparation—Core Commitments
Chapter 2: Incubation—Unexpected Connections
Chapter 3: Insight—Critical Discoveries
Chapter 4: Evaluation—Key Questions
Chapter 5: Elaboration—Essential Realizations
Appendix A: Evidence-Based Gradebook Hacks
Appendix B: Other Evidence-Based Grading Impacts
Appendix C: How to Convert a Unit of Study to Evidence-Based Grading
Chapter 3: Insight—Critical Discoveries
- Figure 3.5: Protocol for Flipping Gradual Release Instruction for the Skill of Written Argumentation
- Figure 3.19: Example of a Completed Evidence-Based Rubric
Chapter 5: Elaboration—Essential Realizations
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