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Head of the Class

The Collected Kappan Cartoons for Educators

Treat yourself and your colleagues to a healthy dose of laughter. A compilation of the best cartoons ever published in Phi Delta Kappan, this book offers school administrators, teachers, staff, and parents witty glimpses of life in education. Enjoy the lighthearted commentary, from the wisdom of sage school personnel and parents to astute observations by students.

A Joint Publication of Solution Tree and PDK International


  • Use as an icebreaker to help members feel welcome.
  • Promote teamwork and group bonding.
  • Encourage creativity and participation.
  • Improve morale and positive thinking.
  • Energize meetings.

Get your copy today

Head of the Class: The Collected Kappan Cartoons for Educators

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  1. It Takes a Village
  2. Teach the Child, Not the Subject
  3. Teach the Subject, Not the Child
  4. A Hunger for Knowledge
  5. Making the Grade
  6. Plugged In
  7. The Teachers' Lounge


Download 16 sample cartoons for use in the classroom, meetings, and presentations. They are not authorized for commercial reproduction.