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Shifting to Common Core Literacy

Reconceptualizing How We Teach and Lead

Develop new philosophical and pedagogical approaches to 21st century learning. Perfect for school and district administrators, professional development providers, and CCSS coaches, this book offers an evidence-based road map to Common Core success. You'll investigate economic, societal, and educational benefits of the CCSS, discover out-of-the-box strategies to support implementation, and explore a more holistic approach to standards-based instruction and assessment.


  • Learn the history behind the Common Core and compelling reasons for deep implementation.
  • Follow practical examples and stories that make complex content understandable.
  • Examine relatable hot-button issues most schools face during implementation.
  • Reflect on and discuss chapter topics and themes using purposeful end-of-chapter questions.
  • Gain a straightforward process and protocol to develop a shared vision for schoolwide CCSS implementation.
  • Explore the necessary shifts in roles for students, teachers, principals, and leaders to ensure successful implementation.

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Shifting to Common Core Literacy

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Introduction: We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter 1: Where Are We Now? Standards Déà† Vu
Chapter 2: Back to the Future: Road to the Core
Chapter 3: International Benchmarking: Go East, Young Man! Far East!
Chapter 4: Ready, Set, Shift: Three Seismic Shifts to Move Us Into the 21st Century
Chapter 5: A Core That's Not So Common—Are the CCSS Really That Different From Recent State Standards?
Chapter 6: A Deep Dive Into the CCSS
Chapter 7: Centering CCSS in CSI
Chapter 8: Role Over! New Roles in the CCSS School