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Cultivating Competence in English Learners

Integrating Social-Emotional Learning With Language and Literacy

This research-based resource offers general education teachers more efficient and effective ways to integrate social-emotional learning (SEL), language, and literacy development into all subjects and grade levels to make the most powerful learning impact, not just for English learners but for all students.


  • Understand the core tenets of the CASEL framework and how SEL applies to English learners.
  • Implement a schoolwide culture shift toward SEL practices.
  • Improve student SEL competencies.
  • Assist English learners and multilingual learners in developing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  • Accelerate language and literacy development.

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Cultivating Competence in English Learners

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Introduction: Why Adapt Social-Emotional Learning For English Learners?
Chapter 1: Self-Awareness Applied to Vocabulary and Discourse
Chapter 2: Self-Management Applied to Reading
Chapter 3: Social Awareness Applied to Discourse
Chapter 4: Responsible Decision Making Applied to Writing
Chapter 5: Relationship Skills Applied to School-Classroom Communities


Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5



  • Calderón, M. E. (2011). Teaching reading and comprehension to English learners, K–5. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Calderón, M. E. (Ed.) (2012). Breaking through: Effective instruction and assessment for reaching English learners. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Calderón, M. E., & Slakk, S. (2017). Promises fulfilled: A leader’s guide for supporting English learners. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Calderón, M. E., Trejo, M. N., & Montenegro, H. (2016). Literacy strategies for English learners in core content secondary classrooms. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Cohen, R. K., Opatosky, D. K., Savage, J., Stevens, S. O., & Darrah, E. P. (2021). The metacognitive student: How to teach academic, social, and emotional intelligence in every content area. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.