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Swimming in the Deep End

Four Foundational Skills for Leading Successful School Initiatives

Acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to achieve true success as a leader and enact strategic change and school improvement. In Swimming in the Deep End, author Jennifer Abrams dives deep into the four foundational skills required of effective leadership and change management: (1) thinking before speaking, (2) preempting resistance, (3) responding to resistance, and (4) managing oneself through change and resistance. Throughout the book, readers receive ample guidance for building these vital skills and leading school initiatives and implementation plans that face 21st century challenges head-on.

Develop the educational leadership skills needed to create real, strategic change in your school:

  • Gain an understanding of the most pressing issues facing schools today, learn why they must be faced, and consider your implementation plan.
  • Enhance your leadership and change-management abilities by mastering the four foundational skills.
  • Learn how to utilize your new mastery of the foundational skills to have critical conversations, resolve conflict, respond to resistance, and manage yourself through change and resistance.
  • Utilize an online appendix of quotes as a source of inspiration and motivation in guiding effective organizational change and strategic planning.
  • Access a comprehensive self-assessment designed to assist you in your growth as a leader.

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Swimming in the Deep End

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Chapter 1: Thinking Before You Speak
Chapter 2: Preempting Resistance
Chapter 3: Responding to Resistance
Chapter 4: Managing Yourself Through Change and Resistance
Epilogue: What’s Next
Appendix A: Websites That Inspire and Support Resilience
Appendix B: Additional Recommended Websites




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4


Appendix A

Appendix B