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Blended Vocabulary for K–12 Classrooms

Discover a research-based model you can implement to help English learners, general education students, and special education students master tiered vocabulary.


  • Understand the importance of students’ vocabulary development and ways educators at the classroom, school, and district levels can positively impact vocabulary building.
  • Learn how to develop effective literacy leadership teams.
  • Explore digital tools and how to use them to support word learning in interactive ways.
  • Discover instructional strategies for teaching vocabulary to elementary students, secondary students, special education students, and English learners.
  • Access activities, recommended books, and other resources that support the three tiers of vocabulary instruction.

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Chapter 1: A Culture of Word Learning
Chapter 2: A New Model for Effective Vocabulary Instruction
Chapter 3: Methods for Classifying and Selecting Vocabulary Words
Chapter 4: Effective Instruction and Assessment
Chapter 5: Vocabulary Strategies for Elementary Students
Chapter 6: Vocabulary Strategies for Secondary Students
Chapter 7: Vocabulary Strategies for Special Populations
Appendix A: Digital Tools That Support Vocabulary and Word Learning
Appendix B: Suggested Books Containing Tier Two Vocabulary Words for Primary and Intermediate Grades
Appendix C: Annotated Bibliography of Vocabulary Books to Integrate Into Word Learning




  • Carleton, L., & Marzano, R. J. (2010). Vocabulary Games for the Classroom. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research.
  • Marzano, R. J., & Simms, J. A. (2013). Vocabulary for the Common Core. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research.


Chapter 1

Digital Tools for Literacy Leadership Team Collaboration

Chapter 2

Education Organization Websites


Chapter 3

Digital Tools for Collaboratively Selecting Vocabulary

Chapter 4

Digital Tools for Effective Instruction and Assessment

Chapter 5

Digital Tools for Elementary Students

Chapter 6

Digital Tools for Secondary Students

Chapter 7

Digital Tools for Special Populations

Appendix A

Reference Tools

Word Clouds

Games and Review

Concept Maps

Word Walls

SAT and ACT Preparation

Classroom Assessment

Appendix C