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The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units Reproducibles

Prepare students to take on any writing challenge, including district- and state-mandated literacy tests. Perfect for teachers, curriculum designers, and literary coaches, this title provides guidance for designing new writing units and revising existing ones across content areas for grades 5–12. You’ll discover practical strategies and best practices for teaching skills in drafting, editing, revising, feedback, assessment, and student collaboration.


  • Examine the stages of the writing process and the benefits of teaching students to work through them.
  • Assess the particular importance of the feedback stage of the writing process.
  • Study the components and rationale of the backward-planning approach to unit design.
  • Gain access to downloadable templates, checklists, rubrics, and student activities useful for designing a unit and guiding lessons.
  • Explore comprehensive lists of online resources and tools that educators and students may use in lessons aimed at writing.

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The Fundamentals of (Re)designing Writing Units

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Chapter 1: Writing Instruction Recommendations and an Introduction to Writing Types
Chapter 2: The Stages of the Writing Process and Digital Environments
Chapter 3: The Backward Planning Approach to Unit Design: KUDs and Guiding Questions
Chapter 4: The Backward Planning Approach to Unit Design: Pre- and Culminating Assessments and Criteria for Success
Chapter 5: Effective Lesson Design: The Gradual Release of Responsibility Model and Differentiation
Chapter 6: Launching the Unit
Appendix A: List of Figures and Tables
Appendix B: Professional and Student Resources


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Suggested Resources


Reeves, D. (2016). FAST Grading: A Guide to Implementing Best Practices. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.


Chapter 2

Collaborative Writing Tools and Apps

Conceptualizing Tools and Apps

Individual Writing Tools and Apps

Online Apps and Tools News

Online Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Tools for Engaging Others

Tools for Managing Learning

Tools for Organizing, Collecting, and Archiving Work

Tools for Presenting Information

Chapter 4

Graphic Organizers

Resources for Calibration Protocol

Resources for Student Writing Models

Chapter 5

Learning Profiles

Resources for Differentiation

Appendix B

Assessment Tasks

Complex Texts

Essay Contests and Submissions

General Writing Resources

Graphic Organizers

Organizations and Associations

Peer Review Resources


Scoring and Calibration

Student Writing Models

Unit and Lesson Examples