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The Fact Tactics™ Fluency Program

Building Reasoning Skills for Multiplication in Grades 3–6

Support students in developing a deep understanding of multiplication by emphasizing procedural fluency to develop automaticity in mathematics. This book will lead you through a 20-week program that utilizes six tactics to promote reasoning over rote memorization.


  • Understand the six tactics for completing the Fact Tactics Fluency Program.
  • Discover how to seamlessly integrate the 20-week program into mathematics instruction.
  • Give students the tools they need to transcend recall of basic facts and gain procedural fluency so they can explain and justify their thinking.
  • Gain the process, resources, and assessments to implement the program.
  • Learn how to support a deep understanding of mathematics beyond the 20-week program.

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The Fact Tactics™ Fluency Program

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Chapter 1: Making Sense of Fact Strategies for Multiplication
Chapter 2: Promoting Grounded Fluency With the Fact Tactics Fluency Program
Chapter 3: Engaging in the Fact Tactics Fluency Program


Appendix A


Appendix B



  • Dixon, J. K., Brooks, L. A., & Carli, M. R. (2019). Making sense of mathematics for teaching the small group. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Dixon, J. K., Nolan, E. C., Adams, T. L., Brooks, L. A., & Howse, T. D. (2016). Making sense of mathematics for teaching grades K–2. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
  • Dixon, J. K., Nolan, E. C., Adams, T. L., Tobias, J. M., & Barmoha, G. (2016). Making sense of mathematics for teaching grades 3–5. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
