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See It, Say It, Symbolize It

Teaching the Big Ideas in Elementary Mathematics

Reimagining elementary mathematics pedagogy using a three-step process—See It, Say It, Symbolize It—author Patrick L. Sullivan provides a guide for developing a dynamic and flexible understanding of numbers and operations. By helping students develop a language that is consistent across concepts and connecting it to what is seen and symbolized, teachers empower their students to engage in reasoning they will utilize throughout their lives.


  • Apply the See It, Say It, Symbolize It framework to foundational mathematical concepts and operations.
  • Reframe common mathematical language to increase students’ conceptual understanding and make connections between ideas that are often seen as disconnected.
  • Compare the traditional process of communicating foundational mathematical ideas to the See It, Say It, Symbolize It process, with descriptive examples.
  • Comprehend the superpower understandings in elementary mathematics, which help students develop a dynamic and flexible understanding of numbers and operations as well as connect multiple concepts.
  • Internalize chapter content with reflection prompts and end-of-chapter application guides.

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See It, Say It, Symbolize It

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Introduction: How Did I Get Here?
Chapter 1: Early Number Concepts
Chapter 2: Same Numeral, Different Meanings
Chapter 3: Fractions: The F Word of Elementary Mathematics
Chapter 4: Addition
Chapter 5: Subtraction
Chapter 6: Multiplication
Chapter 7: Division
Chapter 8: Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages, Oh My!
Final Thoughts


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

