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Engage in the Mathematical Practices

Strategies to Build Numeracy and Literacy With K–5 Learners

Increase student learning with engaging lesson plans and high-level tasks. In this user-friendly guide, mathematics teachers will discover more than 40 strategies for ensuring students learn critical reasoning skills and retain understanding. Each chapter is devoted to a different Standard for Mathematical Practice and offers an in-depth look at why the standard is important for students' understanding of mathematics.


  • Gain examples of high-level tasks and lesson design templates that promote the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
  • Discover targeted strategies you can use to help students meet the standards.
  • Explore research that supports the importance of the standards and strategies.
  • Consider real-life experiences that illustrate the tools and strategies at work.
  • Access reproducible task guides, task sources, and planning tools.

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Engage in the Mathematical Practices

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Chapter 1: Standard for Mathematical Practice 1: Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving Them
Chapter 2: Standard for Mathematical Practice 2: Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively
Chapter 3: Standard for Mathematical Practice 3: Construct Viable Arguments and Critique the Reasoning of Others
Chapter 4: Standard for Mathematical Practice 4: Model With Mathematics
Chapter 5: Standard for Mathematical Practice 5: Use Appropriate Tools Strategically
Chapter 6: Standard for Mathematical Practice 6: Attend to Precision
Chapter 7: Standard for Mathematical Practice 7: Look for and Make Use of Structure
Chapter 8: Standard for Mathematical Practice 8: Look for and Express Regularity in Repeated Reasoning
Epilogue: What Do I Do With These Strategies?
Appendix A: Alternate Table of Contents—Literacy Connections
Appendix B: Alternate Table of Contents—Strategies Building Numeracy and Literacy
Appendix C: Standards for Mathematical Practice—Background
Appendix D: Standards for Mathematical Practice
Appendix E: CCSS for Mathematics Grades K–5
Appendix F: The Task-Analysis Guide
Appendix G: Sources for Higher-Level-Cognitive-Demand Tasks
Appendix H: Mathematics Vocabulary and Notation Precision



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
