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Collaborative Action Research for Professional Learning Communities

Constant, high-quality collaborative inquiry sustains PLCs. Become disciplined and deliberative with data as you design and implement program improvements to enhance student learning. This book delves into the five habits of inquiry that contribute to professional learning. Get to know them and the action research process they represent. Detailed steps show you how to accomplish collaborative action research that drives continuous improvement.


  • By reinforcing habits of inquiry, an atmosphere of curiosity and a willingness to investigate become part of the everyday school culture.
  • Members of a PLC come to see themselves as true professionals, possessing both a body of knowledge and expertise in applying it.
  • Meaningful collaboration creates a dynamic relationship between the individual and community and promotes higher levels of personal satisfaction.
  • Developing and practicing the habits of inquiry can move schools ever closer to the goal of universal student success.

Collaborative Action Research for Professional Learning Communities


Habit of Inquiry 1: Clarifying a Shared Vision for Success
Habit of Inquiry 3: Acting Purposefully While Collecting Data
Habit of Inquiry 4: Analyzing Data Collaboratively
Habit of Inquiry 5: Using Informed Team Action Planning
Epilogue: Action Research and the Culture of the Professional Learning Community
Appendix: Ethics and Collaborative Action Research