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When They Already Know It

Discover how your collaborative team can address the fourth critical question of a PLC: “How will we extend the learning for students who are already proficient?” Explore five elements of personalized learning and five instructional strategies for extending learning in a competency-based curriculum that motivate students to learn.


  • Realize the importance of addressing the fourth critical question of Professional Learning Communities at Work™.
  • Learn the five elements of personalized learning: knowing your learners, allowing student voice and choice, implementing flexibility, using data, and integrating technology.
  • Explore five differentiated instruction strategies for extending the learning for high-ability and high-potential students: curriculum compacting, flexible grouping, product choices, tiered assignments, and multilevel learning stations.
  • Understand how collaborative teams in a professional learning community (PLC) can maximize student engagement, motivating students to learn beyond the essential standards.
  • Utilize individual and collaborative team reflection tools, and read stories based on real-life teachers’ experiences implementing the elements of personalized learning in classrooms.

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When They Already Know It

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Chapter 1: Reframing
Chapter 2: Personalized Learning
Chapter 3: Instructional Strategies That Support Question 4 Students
Chapter 4: Knowing Your Learners
Chapter 5: Allowing Voice and Choice
Chapter 6: Implementing Flexibility
Chapter 7: Using Data
Chapter 8: Integrating Technology
Chapter 9: Bringing It All Together



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9




Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8