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Taking Action, Second Edition

A Handbook for RTI at Work™

The second edition of the bestseller Taking Action delves deeper into how educators can leverage the PLC at Work® process to create a highly effective multitiered system of supports. This step-by-step guide defines—tier by tier—the essential actions of the guiding coalition, teacher teams, and intervention team. New recommendations and tools are included to target assessments, engage students, and address resistance.


  • Close the achievement gaps exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Leverage proven Tier 1 instructional practices to provide first-best teaching and engage students in learning
  • Understand the critical roles and responsibilities of the guiding coalition, teacher teams, and site intervention team
  • Create schoolwide, balanced assessment and grading practices that promote student learning and engagement
  • Employ crucial skills and tools to address common leadership obstacles, such as staff resistance to change

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Taking Action

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Introduction: The Urgency of the Moment
Chapter 1: The RTI at Work Pyramid
Part One: Tier 1 Essential Actions
Chapter 2: A Culture of Collective Responsibility
Chapter 3: Tier 1 Teacher Team Essential Actions
Chapter 4: Tier 1 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions
Part Two: Tier 2 Essential Actions
Chapter 5: Tier 2 Teacher Team Essential Actions
Chapter 6: Tier 2 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions
Part Three: Tier 3 Essential Actions
Chapter 7: Tier 3 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions
Chapter 8: Tier 3 Intervention Team Essential Actions
Epilogue: Get Started . . . Then Get Better


Chapter 2: A Culture of Collective Responsibility

Chapter 3: Tier 1 Teacher Team Essential Actions

Chapter 4: Tier 1 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions

Chapter 5: Tier 2 Teacher Team Essential Actions

Chapter 6: Tier 2 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions

Chapter 7: Tier 3 Guiding Coalition Essential Actions

Chapter 8: Tier 3 Intervention Team Essential Actions



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Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8