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The School Board Fieldbook

Leading With Vision

Take a reader-friendly tour through the responsibilities and challenges of being a school board member. Written by experienced, award-winning administrators, this book gives practical guidance on how to best work with school administrators and staff to create and fulfill a shared vision of school system excellence. This clear, concise book helps new board members understand the difference between their expectations and actual duties.

A Joint Publication With the American Association of School Administrators


  • Get strategies for managing the life-changing responsibilities of being a school board member.
  • Understand the true purpose of a school board and what its members must and must not do.
  • Learn steps for collaborative decision making and relationship building.
  • Examine the crucial role of good board communications with five constituencies: administrators, teachers and other staff, students, parents, and community members.
  • Find 10 signals that the board is in trouble and how to respond to them.
  • Collect the right data and use it to assess student performance and stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Use a model of a district performance scorecard to communicate and monitor goals.
  • Gain practical solutions for hiring and evaluating superintendents, negotiating with teacher unions, handling complaints, assessing student achievement, strategic budgeting, and more.

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The School Board Fieldbook

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Chapter 1: The Learning Curve: What Makes Serving on a School Board Unique?
Chapter 2: Three Roles Essential to Every School System
Chapter 3: Communication Is Key
Chapter 4: 10 Signals That Your Board Is in Trouble
Chapter 5: Data—A Critical Tool for Your School Board
Chapter 6: Four Common Issues in Board Service
Chapter 7: The Ethics of Board Service