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Inclusion Strategies & Interventions

Inclusion means more than just preparing students to pass standardized tests and increasing academic levels. In inclusive classrooms, students with special educational needs are treated as integral members of the general education environment. Gain strategies to offer the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral benefits that allow all students to achieve their highest potential.


  • Find interventions for particular categories of learners and subjects.
  • Learn ways to organize an inclusive classroom using principles like RTI, differentiated instruction, understanding by design, universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, multisensory approaches, peer mentoring, and cooperative learning.
  • Gain an overview of the laws that affect and influence inclusion practices.

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Inclusion Strategies & Interventions

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Chapter 1: Understanding the Inclusive Classroom
Chapter 2: Organizing for Instruction
Chapter 3: Addressing Student Needs
Chapter 4: Using Assessments, Accommodations, and Data
Chapter 5: Literacy and Communication
Chapter 6: Mathematics
Chapter 7: Social Studies and Science
Chapter 8: Art, Music, and Movement
Chapter 9: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Chapter 10: Transitional Plans
Chapter 11: Professional Collaboration
Chapter 12: Honoring Inclusion
Appendix A: Abbreviations
Appendix B: Legal Aspects of Inclusion



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6