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Teacher Time Management
How to Prioritize Your Day So You Can Enjoy Your Evening
This guide helps educators identify their classroom goals and implement efficient teaching strategies. K–12 educators can gain techniques to manage themselves, maximize their time, and avoid burnout.
- Determine where to streamline daily work.
- Explore tools for maximizing efforts.
- Learn effective teacher and student time-management strategies designed for three different modes of concentration.
- Know what the classroom looks and sounds like during low-, medium-, and high-concentration modes.
- Field reflection questions that encourage reconsideration of how and when to complete certain tasks.
Chapter 1: Your Goal and StreamliningChapter 2: Low Concentration Mode
Chapter 3: Medium Concentration Mode
Chapter 4: High Concentration Mode
Chapter 1: Your Goal and Streamlining
- College Planning Sheet
- Preconference Form
- Peer Edit Rubric—Argument Research Paper
- Peer Analysis Form
Chapter 2: Low Concentration Mode
Chapter 3: Medium Concentration Mode
Chapter 4: High Concentration Mode
- Bailey, K., & Jakicic, C. (2023). Common formative assessment: A toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work (2nd ed.). Solution Tree Press.
- Gazith, K. (2024). The power of effective reading instruction: How neuroscience informs instruction across all grades and disciplines. Solution Tree Press.
- Linnihan, E. (2022). Capturing the classroom: Creating videos to reach students anytime. Solution Tree Press.
- Ness, M. (2024). Read alouds for all learners: A comprehensive plan for every subject, every day, grades preK–8. Solution Tree Press.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4