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Creating the Anywhere, Anytime Classroom

Discover the steps K–12 educators must take to facilitate online learning and maximize student growth using readily available digital tools.


  • Use technology tools like online classroom platforms and apps to foster digitally enhanced learning.
  • Understand the benefits of learning online and its advantages over traditional real-world classrooms.
  • Learn how to effectively facilitate digital learning experiences.
  • Study the challenges and opportunities teaching online offers.
  • Gain strategies and examples to help initiate and sustain learning while engaging students.

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Introduction: Tools and the Master Craftsman
Chapter 1: Understanding the Modality and the Moment
Chapter 2: Planning Curriculum, Assessment, and Preinstruction
Chapter 3: Preparing the Learning Experience
Chapter 4: Initiating the Learning Experience
Chapter 5: Maintaining the Momentum in the Learning Experience
Chapter 6: Teaching Thoughtful Online Collaboration
Chapter 7: Managing and Overcoming Toxic Conversations
Chapter 8: Concluding the Learning Experience



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3