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Growing Global Digital Citizens

Empower your students to become global digital citizens who effectively and ethically contribute to the digital world around them.


  • Discover the characteristics of global digital citizens and what these citizens stand for.
  • Consider the limitations of conventional acceptable-use policies and instead embrace ethically driven digital citizenship agreements.
  • Learn how to address the various stakeholder communities involved in developing students into global digital citizens.
  • Use tools and rubrics for gauging the effectiveness and progress of your global digital citizenship practices.
  • Complete global digital citizenship assessment frameworks.
  • Review digital citizenship agreements for students at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as for professionals and the wider community.

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Growing Global Digital Citizens


Chapter 1: Evaluating Your Acceptable Use Policy
Chapter 2: Uniting Digital Citizenship and Global Citizenship
Chapter 3: Crafting Digital Citizenship Guidelines
Chapter 4: Developing the Teaching Community
Chapter 5: Developing the Student Community
Chapter 6: Developing the Wider Community
Chapter 7: Growing Global Digital Citizenship
Appendix A: Global Matters
Appendix B: Activity Sheets
Appendix C: Digital Citizenship Agreements


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Appendix A