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Gail Markin

Gail Markin is a counselor and teacher who has worked to support health and well-being across British Columbia. She began her career as a social worker, family counselor, and parent educator.

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Gail Markin

Gail Markin is a counselor and teacher who has worked to support health and well-being in her local school district in Langley, British Columbia (BC), and across the province. She began her career as a social worker, family counselor, and parent educator. After becoming a teacher, she worked as a school counselor in many schools before moving to her role in Langley Township. As a presenter promoting educator wellness, Gail is particularly proud of a project she did in conjunction with BC Children’s Hospital, where she worked with rural and remote school districts to support health and well-being.

Gail is the chair of Social Emotional Learning BC and a member of the steering committee of the BC School Centred Mental Health Coalition. She participates in two amazing communities of practice that help shape her work: the K–12 Staff Wellbeing BC Network and the Compassionate Systems Leadership Network. Through these supportive and connected networks, Gail developed her passion for spreading her message about the importance of well-being, which she does through writing, teaching, and speaking.

Gail has written articles for the BC School Superintendents Association, the BC School Counsellors Association, the BC Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association, and the EdCan Network. She also coauthored a book chapter for new school administrators with Fei Wang, associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia.

Speaking and presenting energize Gail. She has been a podcast guest as well as a cohost of the Where You Are podcast, and she gave a 2019 TEDx Talk on the power of belonging.

Gail earned two bachelor’s degrees and two master’s degrees in psychology and education. She is working on a doctorate in leadership and policy at the University of British Columbia.