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Gayle Allen

Gayle Allen, EdD, is an experienced educator, researcher, and author who helps educational leaders drive transformative change. Using theory, practice, and humor, she challenges teams to become collaborative, data-driven, and digitally connected.

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Gayle Allen

Gayle Allen, EdD, is an experienced educator, researcher, and author who helps educational leaders drive transformative change. Using theory, practice, and humor, she challenges teams to become collaborative, data-driven, and digitally connected.

Dr. Allen has been a teacher, an administrator, and an adjunct professor at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her articles on learning and leadership have appeared in numerous publications, including Mind/Shift, EdSurge, Edutopia, and Getting Smart.

Dr. Allen earned an MEd and an EdD from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an MBA in innovation and global leadership from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Presentations by Gayle Allen

  • The New Pillars of Modern Teaching: Rethinking Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in the Digital Age
  • Leading Collaborative, Data-Driven, Digitally Connected Teams
  • Leadership by Design: Using Research and Data to Improve Student Outcomes
  • Welcoming, Anticipating, and Engaging With Change