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Hedreich Nichols

Hedreich Nichols is an author, educator, and specialist in helping schools institute transformative change in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

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Hedreich Nichols

Hedreich Nichols is an author, educator, and specialist in helping schools institute transformative change in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Hedreich is also a speaker who hosts the podcast SmallBites, which has the same focus. With SmallBites and her work as a speaker and writer for districts, major publishing houses, educational publications, and podcasts, Hedreich combines her journey as the “One Black Friend” with educational research and experience to meet educators where they are and help them provide the best educational experience for every student, every day. Hedreich received her master’s degree at Texas A&M University

Presentations by Hedreich Nichols

  • Diverse Classrooms 101—An introduction to teaching in diverse settings
  • Everyone Belongs!—Strategies for teaching kindness and acceptance to young learners
  • Stories Matter—Exploring historical events and impact through diverse stories in the classroom
  • Media Literacy for Young Learners—Exploring fact, fiction, and language that can make a difference
  • Media Literacy for Secondary Students—Teaching truths, untruths, and what’s in between
  • SEL and Academic Gains—Making socio-emotional learning count for every student
  • Bias and Belonging I—Exploring personal bias to make your campus a safe and inclusive space for all (also available as a coaching session)
  • Bias and Belonging II—Creating a more inclusive campus through evidence-based practices centering on the concept of “belonging”
  • The Four Cs of Equity—Impacting classroom and community through equitable teaching practices
  • Civil Discourse and Diverse Populations—Strategies for teaching civil discourse through student-facilitated conversations
  • Who Else Was There?—Mining history for diverse narratives and researching the sidebars of history to uncover missing stories and events
  • Affinity Groups—Guidelines for educators sponsoring campus affinity groups (e.g., LGBTQ+ student alliance, BSA, ASA, HSA, AllySA, etc.)