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Holly Windram

Holly Windram, PhD, is executive director of the Michigan Education Corps. She is a former district director of special education, school psychologist, assistant director of special education, and chief education officer.

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Holly Windram

Holly Windram, PhD, is executive director of the Michigan Education Corps. She is a former district director of special education, school psychologist, assistant director of special education, and chief education officer. Dr. Windram consults nationally on RTI implementation in secondary settings across assessment, instruction, problem solving, and organization.

Dr. Windram has given dozens of presentations and published several professional articles on implementation of an intensive five-step problem-solving process, secondary classroom management, roles for school psychologists within an RTI framework, implementing a Tier 2 “check and connect” intervention for secondary learners, action planning for RTI implementation, and implementation integrity within an RTI framework. Dr. Windram is a member of the Minnesota Administrators of Special Education, National Association of School Psychologists, and Phi Beta Kappa.

Dr. Windram completed bachelor’s degrees in psychology and English at Michigan State University, and she earned a doctorate in school psychology from the University of Minnesota.

Presentations by Holly Windram

  • Developing and Sustaining an RTI Framework at the Secondary Level
  • RTI and Roles Revisited: Opportunities for School Psychologists
  • Partnering With Parents on Implementing an RTI Framework
  • Assessment at the Secondary Level Within an RTI Framework
  • Implementation Integrity Within an RTI Framework: Tools for the Practitioner’s Toolbox
  • Implementing an Effective “Check and Connect” Intervention Program in Secondary Settings
  • Implementing a Five-Step Problem-Solving Process for Decision Making Across All Tiers
  • Routine, Rules, Respect, and Masking Tape: Secondary Classroom Management

“You balance professionalism with personable so very nicely. A pleasurable presentation with great information! Thank you!”

Linda Sloan, career tech specialist, Edmond Public Schools, Oklahoma

“Holly knows her stuff! Great examples were given on how to specifically implement and use RTI at the secondary level.”

Emily Kern,assistant principal, curriculum and instruction, Edmond Memorial High School, Oklahoma