Jan K. Hoegh
Jan K. Hoegh has been an educator for over 35 years. She has served as a classroom teacher, building leader, professional development specialist, high school assistant principal, curriculum coordinator, and assistant director of statewide assessment.
Jan K. Hoegh
Jan K. Hoegh has been an educator for over 35 years and an author and associate for Marzano Resources since 2010. Prior to joining the Marzano team, she was a classroom teacher, a building leader, a professional development specialist, a high school assistant principal, a curriculum coordinator, and assistant director of statewide assessment for the Nebraska Department of Education, where her primary focus was Nebraska State Accountability test development. Jan has served on a variety of statewide and national standards and assessment committees and has presented at numerous conferences around the world.
As an associate with Marzano Resources, Jan works with educators across the United States and beyond as they strive to improve student achievement. Her passion for education, combined with her extensive knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, provides credible support for teachers, leaders, schools, and districts. High-quality classroom assessment and grading practices are her primary training focuses. She is the author of A Handbook for Developing and Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom and coauthor of Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools, A School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading, A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning, and Planning and Teaching in the Standards-Based Classroom, as well as other publications.
Jan holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and a master’s in educational administration, both from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. She also earned a specialization in assessment from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
Presentations by Jan K. Hoegh
- Common Core State Standards Implementation
- Art and Science of Teaching
- Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading
- Highly Engaged Classroom
- Educational Leadership
- Teaching Academic Vocabulary
- Using Data to Inform Instruction