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Jorge Valenzuela

Jorge Valenzuela is a highly regarded performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined. He specializes in core instruction and is known for delivering quality professional training in team building, project-based learning, STEM pathways, and SEL integration throughout the curriculum.

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Jorge Valenzuela

Jorge Valenzuela describes how his experiences and research-based strategies inspired his book, Raising Equity Through SEL.

Jorge Valenzuela is a highly regarded performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined. Getting his start in education, he has aided numerous educators in enhancing their leadership and instructional innovation abilities. He is a specialist in core instruction and is known for delivering quality professional training in team building, project-based learning, STEM pathways, and SEL integration throughout the curriculum. He collaborates with superintendents and offers professional development through ASCD, Corwin, Instructional Innovation Partners, and Solution Tree. He has written multiple books and hosts the Lifelong Learning Defined podcast.

Presentations by Jorge Valenzuela

Instructional Leadership Coaching Strand
  • Strategies for Creating Shared Agreements for School Teams
  • Energize Solutions with Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Meaningful Connections: Building a Cohesive School Team
  • Conducting Learning Walks to Support Instructional Innovation
  • Strategies for Providing Teachers Better Feedback*
  • Strategies for Supporting Teachers During Times of Crisis
  • A 5-Step Coaching Model for Instructional Innovation
Curriculum and Instruction Coaching Strand​
  • 5 Key Building Blocks of Effective Core Instruction
  • Building Confident Educators 101: The Art of Differentiating Instruction
  • Instructional Alignment 101
  • Boosting Critical Thinking across the Curriculum
  • Using Effective Question Prompts to Improve Classroom Discussions
  • 3 Ways to Activate Student Engagement
Project-Based Learning Coaching Strand
  • Intro to PBL+: Bridging Academic and Personal Success
  • PBL+ Intro (Half-Day Workshop)
  • PBL+ Master Class (2-Day Workshop)
  • PBL+ Environmental Science (2-Day Workshop)
  • PBL+ STEM and Computer Science (2-Day Workshop)
Technology Integration, STEM & Computer Science Pathways Coaching Strand ​
  • Learn to Yield the Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Lesson Planning
  • Tools for Activating STEM Projects in Any Class
  • Tools for Activating Computational Thinking in Any Lesson
  • Mastering Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Teachers
Life Skills and Wellness Coaching Strand
  • Tools for Mastering Self Care for Educators
  • A Blueprint for Restorative Conversations
  • A Protocol to Encourage Positive Classroom Discussions
  • Life Skills 101: Essential Tools for Students Facing Difficulties
  • Empathy Mapping: A Tool for Connecting with Students*
Jorge’s Youth Coaching Strand
  • Strategies for Youth to Align Passion and Purpose to Their Education
  • A Blueprint for Receiving Mentorship
  • Emotional Intelligence Skills for Personal and Social Competence
  • Goal Setting (Personal and Professional)
  • A Blueprint for Responsible Decision Making
  • A Blueprint for Career Pathway Development
  • A Blueprint for Financial Literacy