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Leading Through an Equity Lens

A Process for Advancing Inclusive District Initiatives

By: Kim Wallace

“The proven process in this book,” says author Kim Wallace, “helps leaders keep their equity lens wide open and zeroed in on serving groups of students that have been denied access to a quality K–12 education by responsibly and responsively infusing new initiatives into their organizations.”

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Overcome barriers to educational equity and refine systems into high-quality learning environments

Learn how to transform your organizational culture and improve student outcomes by executing initiatives through an equity lens. Author Kim Wallace offers leaders a practical course of action to amplify opportunities and diminish systemic barriers for historically marginalized students. The ten-stage process, introduced in Wallace’s book Leading the Launch, helps educators successfully integrate equity-centered implementations in their schools and districts.

This book will help educational leaders and administrators:

  • Seamlessly implement new equity-centered initiatives in their own organization
  • Improve academic, social-emotional, and developmental outcomes for historically marginalized student groups
  • Address and eliminate unproductive or harmful practices that impede transformational change
  • Learn approaches and gain tools for engaging teachers, students, parents, and other stakeholders in implementation adoptions
  • Cultivate school and district cultures that prioritize belonging and inclusion
  • Utilize research, scenarios, action items, and reproducible handouts to develop and implement organizational strategies that equitably support diverse groups of students and families

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LeadershipSchool Improvement

Additional Information

Product Code: BKG120, EKF665

ISBN: 9781958590119

Published By: Solution Tree

“Leaders for equity need this book. Wallace expertly braids research with reality and inquiry with progressive action to demonstrate practical ways to ground and embed equity-centered initiatives into our educational institutions. Wallace delivers high-impact approaches to sustainable organizational change where and for whom it matters most: historically marginalized communities.”

Annamarie M. Francois, associate dean of public engagement, UCLA School of Education & Information Studies, California

“District superintendents, executive cabinets, site principals, and school boards will find Wallace’s book an extraordinary resource to tackle any challenge with facility and grace when implementing equity-centered initiatives. Wallace’s vast and varied scenarios and reproducible activities will encourage both new and experienced leaders to open their eyes and hearts to transformational change that can impact marginalized students and their families in our schools and well beyond.”

M. Ann Levett, superintendent, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools, Georgia

“Every school board needs to consider this book when creating equity-centered goals and, more importantly, for providing staff with a model that allows conversations that matter to take place. Readers are left equipped to make a difference for our students!”

Rosa Fazio, principal, Sir Sandford Fleming Elementary School, British Columbia, Canada
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